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American Express



A visualization of American Express card member data illustrating payment amount and frequency by age group.

This 18 x 24 poster was designed by Michi Cao and Leroy Tellez for a data visualization workshop, sponsored by American Express and led by Nicholas Felton. Provided with AE’s metadata of client demographics and account usage and with several hours, we chose to see whether the data would reveal a discrepancy in monthly spending between:

– Card members who used American Express’s online portal and card members who didn’t
– Card members of different age ranges.

Using Processing, we parsed through millions of rows of data. Using pie charts and graphs they calculated and visualized information broken down by categories, such as age, gender, and payment amount. These were then implemented into Illustrator for final layout and refinement.

Based on the visualizations produced, there was no correlation between portal use and spending, but did discover that spending increases with age.