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A service to capture and share memories by linking them to music


Personal memories are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. They become the basis for the way we relate to each other, and ultimately, shape the world. Now that smartphones have given users a startlingly efficient documentation tool, we have no shortage of digital artifacts of our personal stories. But how do we make meaning out of this digital detritus?

As it turns out, music is a powerful tool in unlocking detailed, nuanced personal memories. Because of the way it interacts with our brain, music triggers do an amazing job of capturing and cataloging memories. Music calls to us on a personal level, but it is of the larger world. It is therefore an amazing tool in drawing us out of ourselves, and connecting us to each other.

For those looking to create meaningful records of their life, Noteworthy is a platform that uses music as the means to document their personal stories as well as begin sincere conversations with friends and family.

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