Q+A with Alex Wright

Co-Instructor, Design Futures

Tell us something about your summer course we might not expect based on its course description.

This course is about more than R&D-style prototyping of new products and services. We will also explore the role interaction designers might play in framing projects to address so-called wicked problems such as climate change, income inequality, or biodiversity. Surveying the emerging fields of alternative economics and Transition Design, we’ll experiment with techniques for incorporating more sustainable, long-term perspectives into our everyday work.

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Alex Wright

What will students be making or working on in your class?

Our in-class projects will focus on helping students explore how to incorporate long-term thinking into their professional work, while challenging them to frame their work in relation to larger societal challenges in their local environment (be it NYC or elsewhere).

Got a good book or article recommendation for people interested in the course?

The Clock of the Long Now by Stewart Brand

Aside from the Summer Intensive, what are you excited for in NYC this summer?

Outdoor concerts, biking in Prospect Park, and spending time with family in the Hudson Valley.

What are you working on these days?

Finishing my PhD at Carnegie Mellon School of Design, while holding down my day job at Instagram.

Curious to learn more? Spend your Wednesday evenings with Alex and co-teacher Erica Dorn this summer.

Follow Alex Wright on Twitter for updates on his work.

Keep Reading

Mockup of ANCHOR app on blue background. Text: ANCHOR An interactive educational platform that bridges digitial learning with real-life experiences, creating a fun and dynamic journey towards knowledge for all students
Anchor: An Interactive Educational Program
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