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Alumni Nikki Sylianteng’s New LA Parking Signs a Success

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Credit: Parking-sign design, Nikki Sylianteng

Congratulations to alumni Nikki Sylianteng whose new parking sign design has alreadybecome a huge hit in LA where they were installed this past week.

Here’s just a sample of some of the kindwords that have been coming in from news outlets and blogs such as ABC, LA Times, Gizmodo, Hyperallergic, andCityLab:

“Many Angelenos saythe current parking signs are difficult to read, which leads to a lot of confusionand ultimately very expensive tickets. The new sign utilizes a grid system,similar to a day planner, that’s supposed to make things clearer for driversand decrease the number of parking citations.”
ABC News

“…the new designalso should ease the parking process for downtown visitors whose firstlanguage is not English.”
LA Times

“…simple, low-techsolution to make parking better: Well-designed signage that offers no ambiguitywhatsoever when it comes to where you can park, when you can park there, andhow much it will cost.”

“I’ve gottenone-too-many $95 tickets because I thought I read the sign right but apparentlydidn’t. It shouldn’t have to be this complicated.”

“Solong as drivers know the time and the day of the week, and that green is goodand red is bad, it’s hard to see them getting confused by these design gems.”

FollowNikki or check out some more of her work.

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