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Back to Business!

Reblogged from dmxatixd:

Welcome back! It feels good to be back in school after a summer of experiencing “the real world”. This summer I had the privilege of interning at American Express as a UX Design Intern on their Mobile Products team. I learned a ton and had a great time, but I’m happy to back in class for what will be my second and final year of graduate school.

This semester, second year classes include: Service Design, Thesis II, Public Interfaces, and Design Management. While I am excited about all of the classes, the one that I think I’ll enjoy most is Design Management. Having a background in business, I am eager to learn more about the business of design. I’m pretty familiar with some of the topics we’ll cover, like business development, budgets, and cover letters, but looking forward to learning about subjects I’m rather green in, like legal, people management, and business models.

back to business 1

During our first class, professor Karen McGrane, stressed her desire to get us (students) closer to the top, right quadrant of the chart above. Knowing how difficult it can be to find the right role that allows for meaningful work and a decent salary, I’m looking forward to gleaning as much as I can from her, in hopes of reaching that top, right quadrant.

Until next week…back to business!


Datrianna is our Class of 2016 student blogger. Find out more about her and how she arrived at IxD, and f

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