Experience Journal Part of STORY’s Latest Concept Store Collection

experience journal part of storys latest concept 1

Credit:Hanna Yoon

Alumni Hanna Yoon’s (Class of 2015) Experience Journal will be part of STORY’s newest collection. STORY is a concept retail space here in Manhattan thatconstantly re-invents itself according to a new and exciting theme. The space’scurrent theme is ‘creativity’ and Experience Journal is featured among a collectionof design and art products from around the world.

Experience Journal is a small notebook, designed as a visual framework that helps designers observe and think aboutspaces around them. It has prompts to guide observation and encourage you to develop yourown thought process and methods.

“Through the habit ofkeeping a journal you can realize how many great design ideas you can find ineveryday life and turn those observations into resources for new designprojects. Experience Journal prompts your best creative observations with asleek, minimal layout. It’s an amazing record of past experiences, morepersonal and evocative than photographs and writings. You don’t need to be atalented artist to enjoy the notebook, as the drawings are intended to act as apersonal record rather than polished artwork.”

– Hanna Yoon

FollowHanna’s Experience Journal and pick up your own copy at STORY. The currentcollection is open until the first week of August.

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