Icograda Design Education Manifesto 2011 and future of design education

The Manifesto 2011 in Spanish
The Manifesto 2011 in Spanish

The Manifesto 2011 in Spanish

Department chair Liz Danzico was a steering committee member and contributor to the update to the update, which launched during the Icograda General Assembly 24 in Taipei this October. Liz was joined on the committee by Hugh Dubberly, Steven Heller, Jamer Hunt, Dave Malouf, Victor Margolin, Lita Talarico, and sixteen other members of the Icograda network, who have each written a 1,000-word essay on the future of design education.

The Design Education Manifesto 2011 is manifest of a 2-year-long process engaging some of the most prominent design education experts from around the world. The final output addresses the needs and desires of the future of design education in a world both converging and expanding,” said Omar Vulpinari, Icograda President Elect and Co-chair of the Manifesto update. 2011 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Manifesto’s publication, and the 2009-2011 Icograda Executive Board resolved to update it, its intention being “to help steer design curriculum and equip faculty and students to handle current and future issues in design education.”The Icograda Design Education Manifesto, a key legacy of Oullim, is a core document that defines Icograda’s position on design education. The Manifesto advocates that design education must be a learning-centred environment, enabling students to develop their potential in and beyond academic programs. The Icograda Design Education Manifesto was developed in 2000 as collaboration by an international group of designers. Participants represented a geographically, politically, economically, culturally, and socially diverse cross section of the design education community. Prof. Ahn Sang-Soo (South Korea) led the project which was translated into seventeen languages and presented at the Icograda Millennium Congress Oullim 2000 Seoul.

Read more and download the manifesto here.

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