“Interaction Design Beyond School Walls,” by Kristin Breivik and Carrie Stiens, Class of 2012
Below is a sample of companies and organizations that students have chosen to work with in the past:
The American Museum of Natural HistoryApplearc90BetaworksBloombergBreakfastCase Commonsezeep GmbHFacebookfoursquareThe Food NetworkLoreNational Football League, NFLNikeThe New York TimesMeetupRandom HouseTwitterUncommon ProjectsYelpZocdoc
Adaptive PathThe Barbarian GroupC&G PartnersIDEOLocal ProjectsHarmony InstituteMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterMoment DesignPurposeR/GARebootSecond StoryUrbanscale
Find out more about internships or attend MEET-IXD 2013, the department’s non-traditional job fair.