Join Us Tomorrow: OPEN IxD, the MFA Interaction Design Festival

BAnner ad inviting guests to the 2011 MFA IXD Thesis Festival. White text on red background reads: OPEN IXD: The MFA Interaction Design Festival May 5, 2011
BAnner ad inviting guests to the 2011 MFA IXD Thesis Festival. White text on red background reads: OPEN IXD: The MFA Interaction Design Festival May 5, 2011

OPEN IxD, the MFA Interaction Design Festival at the School of Visual Arts, is a celebration of the work from interaction design students who will present their thesis explorations alongside invited guests on stage at the Visual Arts Theater. Inside the theater, the inaugural class presents their experience through story; outside, prototypes are in the open for play and exploration.

Join the Class of 2011—the first graduates in Interaction Design at SVA—in their presentations.

Schedule and Tickets

Live Webcast

Not in New York City? Watch the live webcast of the festival from 10:00AM-5:00PM on Thursday, May 5.

Talks will also be recorded for later viewing.

Keep Reading

Mockup of ANCHOR app on blue background. Text: ANCHOR An interactive educational platform that bridges digitial learning with real-life experiences, creating a fun and dynamic journey towards knowledge for all students
Anchor: An Interactive Educational Program
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