Student Internship Project: Outpatient Chemotherapy Assistant

Beatriz Vizcaino spent her summer interning at Moment Design, where she worked on the development of the Outpatient Chemotherapy Assistant, a mobile application for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Outpatient Chemotherapy Assistant

Screenshot of IXD Beatriz Vizcaino's internship project done at Moment Design for a mobile app for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Outpatient Chemotherapy Assistant help cancer patients manage logistical routines.

The outpatient chemotherapy assistant is a mobile application that helps cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy manage their new logistical routines. Specifically, allowing users to access health information, view their overall schedule and appointments, contact their health care team instantly, log in symptoms and follow specific instructions included in their health program. Furthermore, a community aspect allow users to connect in real life with similar patients and share tips and suggestions. The application has been envisioned to exist as part of a larger service provided by a cancer treatment center. As the user monitors her symptoms, logs what she has done, the back-end works as a decision support system that alerts the care team if the patient is logging or feeling anything unusual. My involvement consisted on doing secondary and primary research, research analysis and concept generation, persona and scenario creation, task flow development, UI design and development, and strategic planning. –Beatriz Vizcaino, Summer 2010

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