Project Updates: Chutes, Cats, and Conversations

Back from winter break, students begin new projects informed by last semester’s accomplishments:

For their final project in “Fundamentals of Physical Computing,” first year students took “physical” to heart. Take a look at projects from “Chutes & Spheres,” a game that links players’ physical movements with digitally generated objects for a fun way to pass time at the airport, to “Pillow Fight Club,” which integrates physical computing with a real pillow fight to encourage participants’ fighting spirits, and more.

From “Cat Slap” to “Baby Dog,” see 15 unique blog templates inspired by the stories of 826NYC students for the “Craft and Communication” course.

In “Cybernetics and the Foundations of Systems Design,” find critiques of a pre-existing interactive systems that address issues from global warming, reducing food waste, to rowing.

Finally, two projects, “INTouch” and “Shadow.Me,”explore the themes of memory, behavior, and sharing for the “Fundamentals Studio” course.

SVA / IxD Fundamentals Final


From David Bellona, Adjoa Opoku, and Carrie Stiens for the final project in “Fundamentals Studios,” INTouch explores the idea of mutli-touch tables as part of an integrated system of networked devices in a restaurant.

Meanwhile, in addition to developing their thesis projects, second year students designed to engage systems and with each other in their semester-long project for “Public Interfaces.” Find “Pop Box,” an initiative to improve pick up and delivery networks in the city, to “Post Up,” an interactive interface that gives New Yorkers a venue to report contextualized civic problems.

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Mockup of ANCHOR app on blue background. Text: ANCHOR An interactive educational platform that bridges digitial learning with real-life experiences, creating a fun and dynamic journey towards knowledge for all students
Anchor: An Interactive Educational Program
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