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Student Shelly Ni’s superheroes-in-progress get style attention

This past week, second-year student Shelly Ni’s line of “superhero feminist underwear” was featured by Refinery29, the “largest independent fashion and style website in the United States.” The underwear features the real-life superheros Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, and Marie Curie.

Refinery highlights the project’s “politics:”

That’s right, underwear has entered the realm of the second wave where “the personal is political.” Wear your heart on your sleeve, and wear your politics "down there:" a reasonable proposition, considering that so many conservatives focus their politics with regard to women “down there” too. In regards to Ni’s inspiration, Refinery writer Susan Kim goes on to say: Ni explored what feminist underwear meant through interviews with friends, what developed was a focus on the woman wearing the underpants and a desire to inspire and empower her. She describes the aspect of feminism she tapped into as “feeling inspired everyday to do whatever it is you do the best,” exploring what she refers to on Tumblr as “the heroics of you." Finally, Kim elaborates on the purpose a pair of these can bring to daily life: The League of Ladies will not tuck or lift your butt. It won't cure cellulite or offer padding. Instead, it offers a different kind of support. As expressed on the project’s Tumblr they believe that everyone's a superhero-in-progress. Not in training, but progress. "Underwear is a personal thing. You wear it closest to your body,” says Ni. It’s a small thing but she believes that the ritual of putting on a pair can be meaningful.

While the project is complete for the time being, Ni hopes to eventually extend the brand to include more “superheroes” so stay informed or follow along.

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