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Helps contemporary art visitors understand artwork through an interactive mobile chat experience.

Contemporary art is an excellent way to stimulate visitors’ conversations and reflections on our social problems and our life, but it is often abstract and metaphorical. Wall labels in exhibitions are important to help people understand artwork. However, existing wall labels can be too academic to understand, and not always help with artwork interpretation. Their format may not entice viewers to learn more about the art. How might we help visitors break through these problems?

SpART is an app that helps museum visitors better understand contemporary art exhibitions. This virtual guide leads visitors through exhibition spaces and explains the context of each piece. It demystifies contemporary art through an inter-personal, conversational experience that quickly shows the nuance and meanings behind artists’ choices. It also fosters conversations between museum visitors. People use SpART to have informed, meaningful visits to art museums and to engage in an enjoyable and informative exchange about art, its meanings, and how it relates to our everyday lives and personal experiences.