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A public display for compost drop-offs that inspires participation by visualizing environmental impact.

New York City has the largest residential organics collection program in the country. Yet in 2017, the program only picked up 5% of the city’s total food waste due to lack of awareness and education. Over 100 community-run compost drop-offs across the city can help fill the gap — but they operate like weekly pop-up shops, lacking proper signage and online information.

Sprout unifies all of those disparate elements into a clearly recognizable community composting system. Sprout is an interactive display for compost drop-off sites that celebrates community efforts by measuring participation and visualizing its positive environmental impact. Every drop-off can be easily found at, where you can learn how to set up composting at home, find recommended products and tips, and even receive text reminders and fridge posters that reinforce your new routine.

Many of us want a more sustainable future, but it’s hard to see that future when our existing services are invisible. With Sprout, composting becomes a highly visible, publicly celebrated movement.