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Incoming and current students have the opportunity to participate in various scholarships from the department and SVA over their tenure.

Merit-based Scholarships

The department distributes partial merit-based scholarships to students—international students and U.S. citizens—before entering the fall semester of their first year. The receivers of the scholarships are chosen based on the submitted MFA in Interaction Design applications, and no additional forms are necessary. The scholarships range in amount.

Graduate Assistantships

The department offers assistantships for tuition reimbursement. These are awarded based on the application submitted by accepted students. There are 4-6 Assistantships per year.

SVA Alumni Scholarship Awards

This interdepartmental award offers support for the direct costs of completing a final thesis project. The grant ranges from $500 to $2,000 based upon academic and artistic merit as determined by a review panel, and financial need as demonstrated by your project budget. The average award is expected to be $1,000. Students may request amounts in increments of $500 (i.e. $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000). In 2016, 67 awards were distributed throughout graduate and undergraduate departments, totaling $87,701.

SVA Matching Outside Scholarships

SVA will match 25% of any outside scholarship, up to $2500, that a student obtains for enrollment at SVA. This award is available to full-time graduate students.

Teaching Assistantships

SVA offers teaching assistantships for students who want to assist faculty with graduate courses at the undergraduate level. Students will receive tuition reimbursement as compensation.


Internships are available throughout the year both within the department and outside the department at local firms and companies. Summer internships are also available through departmental relationships, locally and nationally.

Work Study

For those who qualify through financial aid, we offer a work-study program with on and off-campus employment opportunities, most of which are in the field of the student’s choice. Departments on campus include the Library, Film Library, or Financial Aid offices. For more information about applying for a work study position, contact the Financial Aid office at