Earlier this year, we presented reading recommendations suggested by our faculty. Today, we present a different kind of reading — a potential Twitter reading list. Below is only a small sample of those @svaixd has come to follow. With the growing number of Twitter users, we look forward to finding more to add to our list.
All Day Buffet: alldaybuffetEnergy toward changing the world through creativity and business.
Core77: core77
Content for industrial designers and design enthusiasts alike.
Design Observer: DesignObserverWritings on design and culture. Edited by Michael Bierut, William Drenttel, Jessica Helfand, and Julie Lasky.
frog design: frogdesign
Global innovation firm that helps create and bring to market meaningful products, services, and experiences.
GOOD: GOODA collaboration of individuals, businesses, and NPOs pushing the world forward.
iA: iA
Tweets from and information architect, UX designer, and founder of iA Inc and Webtrendmap.com.
Kicker Studio: kickerstudioProduct design consultancy specializing in consumer electronics, appliances, touchscreens, kiosks, devices, objects with screens, and robots.
Pew Internet: Pew_Internet
The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization.
Zappos: @zappos
The voice behind Zappos.com, Tony Hsieh, CEO.