Brynn grew up in Connecticut and discovered HTML in her seventh grade keyboarding class, when her teacher told the class to set up personal websites on She deeply regrets never taking a screenshot of said website before Expage shut down, even though it was horribly embarrassing and had a starry background, Caribbean background music, AND magenta brush script type. Her archival impulse has manifested itself in various ways throughout her life, including but not limited to a fire hazard’s worth of New York Times sports sections from 1998-2001 under her bed at her parents’ house and a folder on her desktop full of screenshots of her Facebook profile every time she changes it.
Brynn graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 with degrees in Fine Arts and Digital Media Design. After school, she moved to San Francisco and worked at Facebook for two years as a product designer. While she enjoyed California, she’s excited to return to the east coast, where there are normal seasons, Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, and Yankees games on TV.
Brynn is fascinated by much in life, but nothing quite so much as time and cities. She thus finds it fitting that the time has finally come for her to live in New York, in her humble opinion the best city there is.
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